So…What do you do?

Another great question we get is…but what do you do?

I describe us as case managers. Our volunteers spend a lot of time getting up to speed on both veteran-specific resources and civilian resources available in their specific areas. We figure out who is great at solving what particular need, and we do our best to build personal relationships those folks so we can call up and say “hey, I’m about to have Johnny call you. He really needs you to do some digging to find a way to make (blank) happen.”

Other things we do is arrange transportation for appointments, if that is available where that veteran is located. In SW Virginia, public transportation is very rare, so educating folks on the VA hospital shuttles or learning if there are local government services that provide limited transportation is another focus of our research.

We also spend a lot of time talking to family members. If they are the ones who reach out to us, then we talk them through what is available for their veteran, what paperwork is needed and who they need to contact.

Speaking of veteran family members, sometimes all we do is listen. There are some things they can apply for without the veteran, such as caregiver support through the VA, but a lot of time they just need to bounce ideas off someone who knows the systems.

We are also branching out to give presentations at funeral homes and end-of-life facilities. Some of these professionals can really help family members understand the benefits that may be available to them, and can help prepare them for when it’s time to request those benefits.

We also spend a lot of time just bringing up random benefits and services available to educate other veterans, so they in turn can help to spread the word.

There are so many people out there doing amazing work to support our veterans, but you have to know what you’re looking for to find them. We are slowly starting to get better at amplifying those messages so we can be even better at connecting veterans with the best resources for their individual needs.

Interested in helping? We’re looking for volunteers around SW Virginia to increase our reach.


Six months in


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